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Does Makima Like Denji Reddit

The chainsaw is clearly important in the universe of chainsaw man but Makima is different in that she wants Denji aswell and not just the heart. Question about Denji and Makimas relationship Because of recent events a lot of discussion has been talked about in regards to the nature of Denji and. Why Denji Still Loves Makima Im seeing a lot of people everywhere who understandably hate makima now Spoilers aside we must remember that. Denji is the Chainsaw Devil and the Chainsaw Devil is the only devil capabable of killing Hell devils so they go to Earth The Chainsaw Devil represents freedom or. Yes he loves Makima but as the story went he grabbed Powers tits made out with Himeno side note I think Makima forced Himeno to puke in order to once again manipulate Denji..


Answered Yes Denji kills Makima Makima always had an air of mystery about her but as. Makima was ambushed by Denji with a chainsaw as he realized that she only remembered people she was. Makima is a fan of Pochita AKA Chainsaw Man AKA the strongest devil that ever existed. By Louis Kemner Published Dec 26 2023 Makima controls a fair amount of the narrative in Chainsaw. Explained Though Denji and Makima never get together in a traditional sense their relationship does change..

Makima always had an air of mystery about her but as time goes on it becomes clear that she is not at all. After the death of Aki Hayakawa Makima begins to reveal her true colors to Denji Makimas true face is of someone that is Machiavellian and calculating who. While its not explicitly stated here many fans believe that Denji did indeed die when Makima landed a kill shot on the Chainsaw Devil. Chapter Appearances Human Form Pre-Fusion Denji is a teenage boy with scruffy blond hair He has yellow-brown eyes and bags underneath resulting in. Why does Denji eat Makima In a conversation with Kishibe Denji reveals that he consumed Makima entirely and she did not..


Explained Spoilers Do Denji and Makima get together in Chainsaw Man. Makima always had an air of mystery about her but as time goes..
